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Almost two years on....

Well, as the title says it has been almost two years since my son Aidan has been clean from his ice addiction and these days the tears I shed are happy ones.

He is doing remarkably well and has been working for nearly 16 months and has only missed one day due to smashing his finger with a hammer and then he still wanted to go but I made him stay home. He has changed jobs within that time as he could see the one he had wasn't going in the direction he wanted so he looked around for a job that could further his career. Wow, this is the first time Aidan has ever got a job on his own without us all scrambling to try and find him employment.

He is still with his girlfriend and they have just purchased a house and land package so I guess you could say their relationship is pretty serious. For Aidan this is his way of saying to the world he has moved forward and is doing things to better himself .I would personally have liked him to wait a bit longer before putting himself into so much debt and added stress but that would be me trying to protect him again. He has to learn for himself how to cope with the stresses of life without turning to drugs.

!8 months ago when he came out of rehab I was extremely on edge as I had no idea what was in store for us. Would he be back on ice like we had seen so many others do? Would he be hanging around with the same crowd? Are the lies and stealing going to start all over again? Am I ever going to be able to trust him? Will the constant battle in my mind of thinking the worst finally stop?

All these thoughts were doing my head in and my health so I decided to go with the approach he is fine until I find out otherwise. This took the pressure off both of us and we could get on with repairing our relationships and our lives.

I can't believe how much he has changed in two years. I now have my 14 year old son back that drugs took away from me. A very kind, loving, caring and considerate boy although now he is 6'4 , 23 y.o. and a delightful young man.

I am extremely proud of Aidan as he has done everything I have asked him to do and not once has he gone back on his promise of changing his life for the better.

Damn here come the tears.

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