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Why is Christmas such a stress point !

What is it about Christmas that stresses people out?

Is it the shopping for gifts?

Is it the crowds?

Is it all the delicious food you will tempted to eat?

Is it seeing the annoying relative?

Is it getting an unsuitable gift - again?

Is it the mess that you have to clean up?

Is it the preparation?

Do you wish this Christmas to be different from the last for whatever reason?

I find that we put a lot of pressure on ourselves at this time of year instead of just sitting back and going with the flow we get caught up in the turmoil around us.

This year when everyone else is running around crazy and you find you are starting to join them sit back, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself it is not worth having a heart attack over.

So what, if the pudding is a little on the dry side the decorations don't look like Myers windows or you forgot your nephew is 12 and not 10 so his p.j's won't fit. So what, if the lounge room looks like a rampaging bull has just gone through, you had one more slice of choc ripple cake than you preferred or Nan wants to know in detail what you have done for the past 6 months.

We forget to think about the real reason we have Christmas and for each one of us that will be a different answer.

For me this year it will be a relaxed Christmas with the emphasis being on family, spending time together and reflecting on the past year that has gone by oh too quickly. You will not see me running around like a headless chook trying to please everyone.

But most importantly I will be very thankful for what I have in my life because when I look around, watch the news or read my facebook feed it could be a whole lot worse.

What is your Christmas going to look like this year? The same as the last one?

Be awesome

Cheryl x

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