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The fear factor

Just about everyday there is some kind of news report either about an incident that involved drugs or a drug bust etc. This often brings flash backs about what we went through with our son and my heart goes out to the parents of those that they are reporting about as I know from experience the heartache they are carrying on a daily basis.

Even now nearly 3 years clean I still have short glimpses of the fear factor that can hit me out of the blue. It could be the sight of a tall person walking the streets in a hoody, a group of kids on a street corner leaning into a car window or a person that has the glazed eyes just like my son use to have.

I really just want to encourage any mum who is in the midst of trying to save their child's life and so desperately wants them off drugs so they can lead a 'normal' life again to keep going. Keep getting out of bed knowing the day is probably going to be shit, keep hugging them even though you hate who they have become, keep feeding them even though they are stealing from you, keep talking to them even though they only grunt back,

keep ringing and texting them even though they don't answer but most importantly keep loving them even though they don't show it back......... because deep, deep, deep down they do and loving them is what they need the most.

Be awesome

Cheryl x

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