Put some Nana moments into your day!
When I think back to being a young mum of 4 children, I wonder how did I survive or for that matter how did the kids. My day was on auto pilot from the time my feet hit the ground of a morning until they were heaved into bed of a night but then the brain would be on overdrive thinking of all the things that had to be done the next day.
I worked part time and was extremely grateful that my mum and neighbour were available to look after the kids so I never had to do the early run to day care or the bewitching hour pickup of tired cranky kids. I take my hat off to mum's that can do that day in and day out. I know at times that I had to consciously make sure I had spent enough time with each of my kids and often the quiet and contented, non complaining one would miss out only because they were quiet, contented and not complaining. At times that was very difficult when knee deep in washing, feeding, nappy changing, constantly feeling like you live in the car going backwards and forwards to kinder, school and activities.

But now that I'm a nana I look at things a whole lot differently and so love my time with my grandkids. When I mind my grandson for the day while his mum works my life goes on hold as my time with him is so precious. I sit on the floor and have pretend cups of tea, build train sets, sing and dance, have a picnic on a rug in the family room, read books and more books and more books, watch ants crawl along the path, look for kangaroos in the paddock and just be in the moment. I have started to do the same with my 1 week old granddaughter and I hope that when my grandkids look back at their time at Nana's house it is filled with fond memories of love, joy and peace.
Growing older, wiser, maturing, what ever you want to call it has shown me that there is far more to life than a clean house, being seen by others to have it all under control or having the latest model of everything that opens and closes. It's about finding you and how you fit into this hectic world we live in and not being swept up by the madness of others.
Make sure you take time out in your day to add some Nana moments and just be.
Be awesome,
Cheryl x