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Healing Naturally

When my son was ready to go into rehab our family chose a long term centre that would allow us to let him heal naturally without filling his system with anymore unwanted chemicals as his body was already on overload.

We knew this would take longer but this allowed his body to adjust slowly and by not putting him on anti depressants this also allowed him to see the world clearly and not be walking around foggy headed.

For the first month he lived in a sauna which enabled the toxins/drugs to be released from his muscles, fat cells and internal organs ( not that he had any fat cells at that stage). He was also given large amounts of multivitamins and minerals to help build up his immune system.

This did work really well but if I had known about Pro-Ma Optimum Health products back then I'm positive his body would have healed quicker. The aloe drink would have healed his gut and the immune defence would have built up his very run down immune systems and maybe he wouldn't have gotten so many side effects such as sore throats and break outs all over his body.

They would have also helped me as I was exhausted and very run down due to the stress of the past 7 years.

Now I take aloe juice and immune defence everyday as I know the benefits of taking good quality products without synthetic ingredients.

Be awesome

Cheryl x

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